What a day - will try to put a picture on tomorrow. It was a cultural shock today - time at Tianamen Square and the Palace and the Temple to Heaven. So much beauty, but so much disturbing history, too. Seeing the suffering children of China outside the really big tourist sites is so difficult and then to follow that with a trip to the most elegant mall I've ever seen - that's too much contrast for me.
Wonderful opera tonight, and I purchased beautiful caligraphy and paintings, too! The young man who sold the art was so strong in English, eager to work, eager to learn, LOVES selling all this unique original art - he was a model for young people in China! We exchanged e-mails and he's going to try to come study English in the U.S. He wants to see Tennessee! Wouldn't it be great if he comes to our area and we can learn from him?!
I'm going to a 6 AM Catholic Mass in Beijing, China tomorrow morning. THAT is quite exciting, I think.
Ran at 5 AM this morning - that's when the Chinese runners are out! It was fun to see them, the tai chi classes, the day starting in such a big city....On to the Great Wall tomorrow.
Good night!
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