Friday, April 9, 2010

Weekly Epistle 4/9/2010

St. Peter's Episcopal School "E"pistle
April 9, 2010

Chapel Programs in April
Join Rabbi Bill Tepper (of Mizpah Congregation) at chapel this Tuesday, April 13 (8:35 a.m.) as we remember Holocaust Day (Yom HaSho'ah). All are welcome to join us for this special program.

At the end of the month, our April 27 chapel program will include a brief presentation by the Rev. Lou Parsons, of St. Francis of Assissi Episcopal Church in Ooltewah. Rev. Parsons, an alum parent!, will present the "Nets for Life" program, which provides insecticide treated nets and training on how to use them to prevent death from malaria. This will be the school's final service outreach project for the year. Rev. Parsons is the diocesan coordinator for Episcopal Relief and Development programs. This special program will give details about our school project in conjunction with World Malaria Day, April 25, 2010.

News You Can Use

GOLF TOURNAMENT: By now, you should have received your "PUTTing our Kids First" 18th annual golf tournament brochure. The tournament will be Thursday, April 22nd at our new location, Bear Trace at Harrison Bay. Turn your form in ASAP to reserve your team's spot, as we've already confirmed 20 teams, and spots are first come, first serve! Visit for more details or to register online.

TRACK: Support the STORM at our first meet this Monday at 3:45 on the track. The team is open to students in grades 3- 5. Please return your sign-up form ASAP and bring shorts and running shoes.

HATS OFF to our fourth and fifth grade sudents, who won awards in an the annual Arts and Education Council's writing competition, judged by the UTC English department. This competition typically receives over 4,500 entries each year. HATS OFF to fourth graders Lauren Friedrich (prose), Tatiana Poggi (poetry), Josh Martin (prose) and fifth graders Helen Dymek (poetry) and Lydia Skewes (prose).

DAISIES: There will be a Girl Scout Daisy meeting this Monday (April 12) from 3:00-4:00 in the library.

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